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January 15th - Antiques & Collectibles

Auction Details

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Bidders paying by EMT: If payment is not made by Wednesday, the credit card on file will be charged.
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Cameo pendant brooch401 - Cameo pendant brooch
Schmalz Auctions
Cameo pendant brooch
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Old-Yeller for (25.00 + 3.75BP) = 28.75
West German vase402 - West German vase
Schmalz Auctions
West German vase
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to artboi56 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
Hot Wheels tin lunch box with thermos403 - Hot Wheels tin lunch box with thermos
Schmalz Auctions
Hot Wheels tin lunch box with thermos
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Bigguy10 for (35.00 + 5.25BP) = 40.25
Esso mineralube oil tin 1 quart404 - Esso mineralube oil tin 1 quart
Schmalz Auctions
Esso mineralube oil tin 1 quart
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to peterMQA for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Victorian style fancy wall clock405 - Victorian style fancy wall clock
Schmalz Auctions
Victorian style fancy wall clock
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Pappa321 for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
WWI - 1919 "Peace" plate & The world war - big little book WWI, photographs406 - WWI - 1919 "Peace" plate & The world war - big little book WWI, photographs
Schmalz Auctions
WWI - 1919 "Peace" plate & The world war - big little book WWI, photographs
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Lazer4856 for (40.00 + 6.00BP) = 46.00
Royal Albert "Spring Time" series 'Forget me Not'407 - Royal Albert "Spring Time" series 'Forget me Not'
Schmalz Auctions
Royal Albert "Spring Time" series 'Forget me Not'
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to redbeardvik for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Hurricane table lamp408 - Hurricane table lamp
Schmalz Auctions
Hurricane table lamp
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to HAAS21 for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Vintage hotel bell409 - Vintage hotel bell
Schmalz Auctions
Vintage hotel bell
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to BlueTab35 for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Majolica hanging plate/bowl410 - Majolica hanging plate/bowl
Schmalz Auctions
Majolica hanging plate/bowl
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Fitrnmom2 for (2.00 + 0.30BP) = 2.30
Pink depression 'Cabbage Rose' 3 footed cake plate411 - Pink depression 'Cabbage Rose' 3 footed cake plate
Schmalz Auctions
Pink depression 'Cabbage Rose' 3 footed cake plate
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 266 for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Coca-Cola 40 piece 'Can' puzzle - new old stock412 - Coca-Cola 40 piece 'Can' puzzle - new old stock
Schmalz Auctions
Coca-Cola 40 piece 'Can' puzzle - new old stock
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to IGOTTHISSu.. for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Seiko calendar wrist watch - Men's413 - Seiko calendar wrist watch - Men's
Schmalz Auctions
Seiko calendar wrist watch - Men's
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Bigguy10 for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Men's 'Envoy' gold filled 30 jewel wrist watch414 - Men's 'Envoy' gold filled 30 jewel wrist watch
Schmalz Auctions
Men's 'Envoy' gold filled 30 jewel wrist watch
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Lindenguy for (60.00 + 9.00BP) = 69.00
Chintz tea pot with matching trivet415 - Chintz tea pot with matching trivet
Schmalz Auctions
Chintz tea pot with matching trivet
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to patriciami.. for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Vintage styled Victorian hat box416 - Vintage styled Victorian hat box
Schmalz Auctions
Vintage styled Victorian hat box
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to loisAMO for (17.50 + 2.63BP) = 20.13
Walneck's motorcycle trader magazines 1997-98417 - Walneck's motorcycle trader magazines 1997-98
Schmalz Auctions
Walneck's motorcycle trader magazines 1997-98
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (1.00) = 1.00
6 oz Coca-Cola bottles with "Regina" and "Edmonton" on bottom of bottles418 - 6 oz Coca-Cola bottles with "Regina" and "Edmonton" on bottom of bottles
Schmalz Auctions
6 oz Coca-Cola bottles with "Regina" and "Edmonton" on bottom of bottles
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to sebarms for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Set of 5 vintage Coca-Cola flared drinking glasses 16 oz419 - Set of 5 vintage Coca-Cola flared drinking glasses 16 oz
Schmalz Auctions
Set of 5 vintage Coca-Cola flared drinking glasses 16 oz
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to scuba101 for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Hand made wall plaque with flying owl - pottery420 - Hand made wall plaque with flying owl - pottery
Schmalz Auctions
Hand made wall plaque with flying owl - pottery
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to HAAS21 for (1.00 + 0.15BP) = 1.15
Naughty monk praying421 - Naughty monk praying
Schmalz Auctions
Naughty monk praying
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Spaceship8 for (37.50 + 5.63BP) = 43.13
John Deere dinnerware by Gibson422 - John Deere dinnerware by Gibson
Schmalz Auctions
John Deere dinnerware by Gibson
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to alexQQB for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
Elink 2.5" dash camera with flip screen - boxed423 - Elink 2.5" dash camera with flip screen - boxed
Schmalz Auctions
Elink 2.5" dash camera with flip screen - boxed
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Rick76 for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
Oval frame with hand tinted picture - 1900's424 - Oval frame with hand tinted picture - 1900's
Schmalz Auctions
Oval frame with hand tinted picture - 1900's
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to GlassTiger for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Aqua - Atlas E-Z seal 1 pint snap lid jar - name on bottom425 - Aqua - Atlas E-Z seal 1 pint snap lid jar - name on bottom
Schmalz Auctions
Aqua - Atlas E-Z seal 1 pint snap lid jar - name on bottom
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Lightbulbs for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Hand held battery operated baseball game 1970's426 - Hand held battery operated baseball game 1970's
Schmalz Auctions
Hand held battery operated baseball game 1970's
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to GDAZ for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
Leather bound "Shakespeare" the work of William Shakespeare 1599 pages - 1913427 - Leather bound "Shakespeare" the work of William Shakespeare 1599 pages - 1913
Schmalz Auctions
Leather bound "Shakespeare" the work of William Shakespeare 1599 pages - 1913
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to sandiml for (27.50 + 4.13BP) = 31.63
3 footed China tea cup & saucer428 - 3 footed China tea cup & saucer
Schmalz Auctions
3 footed China tea cup & saucer
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Johnboy48 for (2.50 + 0.38BP) = 2.88
Polaroid 430 fold out land camera429 - Polaroid 430 fold out land camera
Schmalz Auctions
Polaroid 430 fold out land camera
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to HAAS21 for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Kodak carousal model 800 movie projector with box430 - Kodak carousal model 800 movie projector with box
Schmalz Auctions
Kodak carousal model 800 movie projector with box
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Dolbykins for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Rare Canada Dry ginger beer bottle  - mint/full431 - Rare Canada Dry ginger beer bottle - mint/full
Schmalz Auctions
Rare Canada Dry ginger beer bottle - mint/full
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Kelnut88 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
Royal Albert bone china "Queen's Messenger" candy dish432 - Royal Albert bone china "Queen's Messenger" candy dish
Schmalz Auctions
Royal Albert bone china "Queen's Messenger" candy dish
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to scottlew73 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
The Hollander 1949-50 16th edition interchanges of parts for autos and trucks433 - The Hollander 1949-50 16th edition interchanges of parts for autos and trucks
Schmalz Auctions
The Hollander 1949-50 16th edition interchanges of parts for autos and trucks
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 1Cassie for (32.50 + 4.88BP) = 37.38
Sealed VHS tape Beatles 'The Making Of  A Hard Days Night'434 - Sealed VHS tape Beatles 'The Making Of A Hard Days Night'
Schmalz Auctions
Sealed VHS tape Beatles 'The Making Of A Hard Days Night'
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to bbfers for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
New old stock Robin Hood flour bags 2.5 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg435 - New old stock Robin Hood flour bags 2.5 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg
Schmalz Auctions
New old stock Robin Hood flour bags 2.5 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to avanco50 for (1.00 + 0.15BP) = 1.15
Aver/Fisher lighter fluid tin - empty436 - Aver/Fisher lighter fluid tin - empty
Schmalz Auctions
Aver/Fisher lighter fluid tin - empty
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to ghosttown for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
Table lamp with shade 29"437 - Table lamp with shade 29"
Schmalz Auctions
Table lamp with shade 29"
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to trillionaire for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
1974 Eaton's catalogue & 1901 Eaton's catalogue438 - 1974 Eaton's catalogue & 1901 Eaton's catalogue
Schmalz Auctions
1974 Eaton's catalogue & 1901 Eaton's catalogue
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Old-Yeller for (37.50 + 5.63BP) = 43.13
Pink depression cake plate "Doric" pattern439 - Pink depression cake plate "Doric" pattern
Schmalz Auctions
Pink depression cake plate "Doric" pattern
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 266 for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Plate 'Ontario' historical plate440 - Plate 'Ontario' historical plate
Schmalz Auctions
Plate 'Ontario' historical plate
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Walkingthe.. for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Plate 'Alberta' historical plate441 - Plate 'Alberta' historical plate
Schmalz Auctions
Plate 'Alberta' historical plate
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Walkingthe.. for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
3 blade propeller - wall décor442 - 3 blade propeller - wall décor
Schmalz Auctions
3 blade propeller - wall décor
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to reserve for (55.00) = 55.00
Calgary brewing wooden cutting board & bottle with buffalo443 - Calgary brewing wooden cutting board & bottle with buffalo
Schmalz Auctions
Calgary brewing wooden cutting board & bottle with buffalo
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Tangen for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Ukrainian cross stitch pillow 16" X 16" handmade444 - Ukrainian cross stitch pillow 16" X 16" handmade
Schmalz Auctions
Ukrainian cross stitch pillow 16" X 16" handmade
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to UltraRider for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
Centennial plate 1867-1967 Ansley bone china - 12 provinces445 - Centennial plate 1867-1967 Ansley bone china - 12 provinces
Schmalz Auctions
Centennial plate 1867-1967 Ansley bone china - 12 provinces
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Walkingthe.. for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Bergman's puffed wheat advettising board, Saskatoon446 - Bergman's puffed wheat advettising board, Saskatoon
Schmalz Auctions
Bergman's puffed wheat advettising board, Saskatoon
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to bnbventures for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Large plaster/chalkware 15" musical theme - victorian447 - Large plaster/chalkware 15" musical theme - victorian
Schmalz Auctions
Large plaster/chalkware 15" musical theme - victorian
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to BlakeBear for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
1999-2000 Milennium keepsake coin with box & papers448 - 1999-2000 Milennium keepsake coin with box & papers
Schmalz Auctions
1999-2000 Milennium keepsake coin with box & papers
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to willowmaker for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Marvel super hero "Magneto" figurine with helmet449 - Marvel super hero "Magneto" figurine with helmet
Schmalz Auctions
Marvel super hero "Magneto" figurine with helmet
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Buzzer2go for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Christmas plate & misc glassware450 - Christmas plate & misc glassware
Schmalz Auctions
Christmas plate & misc glassware
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Fock2020 for (1.00 + 0.15BP) = 1.15