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February 13th - Antiques & Collectibles

Auction Details

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Bidders paying by EMT: If payment is not made by Wednesday, the credit card on file will be charged.
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Vintage matches lot751 - Vintage matches lot
Schmalz Auctions
Vintage matches lot
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to peterMQA for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
Vintage matches lot752 - Vintage matches lot
Schmalz Auctions
Vintage matches lot
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to rodDQC for (2.50 + 0.38BP) = 2.88
Velvet pipe tobacco pocket tin753 - Velvet pipe tobacco pocket tin
Schmalz Auctions
Velvet pipe tobacco pocket tin
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to rodDQC for (20.00 + 3.00BP) = 23.00
2 Ronson lighters754 - 2 Ronson lighters
Schmalz Auctions
2 Ronson lighters
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to MrLysyk for (25.00 + 3.75BP) = 28.75
3 Beer branded lighters755 - 3 Beer branded lighters
Schmalz Auctions
3 Beer branded lighters
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Barneybee for (32.50 + 4.88BP) = 37.38
Sportsman flat 50 cigarettes tin756 - Sportsman flat 50 cigarettes tin
Schmalz Auctions
Sportsman flat 50 cigarettes tin
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Needhelp for (27.50 + 4.13BP) = 31.63
Player's flat 50 cigarettes tin757 - Player's flat 50 cigarettes tin
Schmalz Auctions
Player's flat 50 cigarettes tin
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 78596 for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
8 assorted vintage lighters in bag758 - 8 assorted vintage lighters in bag
Schmalz Auctions
8 assorted vintage lighters in bag
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Barneybee for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
2 straight razors759 - 2 straight razors
Schmalz Auctions
2 straight razors
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Gilboe for (42.50 + 6.38BP) = 48.88
3 Gilette razors (Made in England)760 - 3 Gilette razors (Made in England)
Schmalz Auctions
3 Gilette razors (Made in England)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to BigFrank74 for (30.00 + 4.50BP) = 34.50
Schick injector razor - Bakelite case761 - Schick injector razor - Bakelite case
Schmalz Auctions
Schick injector razor - Bakelite case
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Gilboe for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
Gilette tech razor762 - Gilette tech razor
Schmalz Auctions
Gilette tech razor
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to BigFrank74 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
T. Eatons & Oster hair trimmers763 - T. Eatons & Oster hair trimmers
Schmalz Auctions
T. Eatons & Oster hair trimmers
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to spacesnake69 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
Ice box coin bank (plastic)764 - Ice box coin bank (plastic)
Schmalz Auctions
Ice box coin bank (plastic)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to chrystalC4X for (2.50 + 0.38BP) = 2.88
Assorted vintage bottle openers (bag)765 - Assorted vintage bottle openers (bag)
Schmalz Auctions
Assorted vintage bottle openers (bag)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Taterhead for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Vintage pop/soda co, key chains766 - Vintage pop/soda co, key chains
Schmalz Auctions
Vintage pop/soda co, key chains
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to jrkearns for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
Assorted tins (tobacco, drug) in bag767 - Assorted tins (tobacco, drug) in bag
Schmalz Auctions
Assorted tins (tobacco, drug) in bag
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to lemmie for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Assorted vintage safety razor blades in bag768 - Assorted vintage safety razor blades in bag
Schmalz Auctions
Assorted vintage safety razor blades in bag
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Ripper72 for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
Assorted wooden thread spools769 - Assorted wooden thread spools
Schmalz Auctions
Assorted wooden thread spools
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Shopper68 for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Game of trouble770 - Game of trouble
Schmalz Auctions
Game of trouble
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to SarahMagnus for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Budweiser collectible racing helmet (#8 Dale Earnhardt jr.)771 - Budweiser collectible racing helmet (#8 Dale Earnhardt jr.)
Schmalz Auctions
Budweiser collectible racing helmet (#8 Dale Earnhardt jr.)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Taterhead for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Toy cap gun & holster772 - Toy cap gun & holster
Schmalz Auctions
Toy cap gun & holster
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to RPHOBBIES52 for (30.00 + 4.50BP) = 34.50
Marx cast iron cap gun773 - Marx cast iron cap gun
Schmalz Auctions
Marx cast iron cap gun
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Sandylakeman for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
3 tin cap guns774 - 3 tin cap guns
Schmalz Auctions
3 tin cap guns
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to spacesnake69 for (25.00 + 3.75BP) = 28.75
Hanging/Wall wood picture frame775 - Hanging/Wall wood picture frame
Schmalz Auctions
Hanging/Wall wood picture frame
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to RMathers for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
New Pepsi-Cola bottle opener776 - New Pepsi-Cola bottle opener
Schmalz Auctions
New Pepsi-Cola bottle opener
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to legge62 for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
New Coca-Cola bottle opener777 - New Coca-Cola bottle opener
Schmalz Auctions
New Coca-Cola bottle opener
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to PeterbilT-.. for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
Tonka farm truck, measures 10" long778 - Tonka farm truck, measures 10" long
Schmalz Auctions
Tonka farm truck, measures 10" long
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to BigPeepee for (20.00 + 3.00BP) = 23.00
Assorted vintage ash trays (5 in bag)779 - Assorted vintage ash trays (5 in bag)
Schmalz Auctions
Assorted vintage ash trays (5 in bag)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to rodDQC for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
Porcelain Molsons ash tray780 - Porcelain Molsons ash tray
Schmalz Auctions
Porcelain Molsons ash tray
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to rodDQC for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
3 assorted vintage beer ash trays781 - 3 assorted vintage beer ash trays
Schmalz Auctions
3 assorted vintage beer ash trays
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to rodDQC for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
Hubley/Champion cast iron Motorcycle (Reproduction)782 - Hubley/Champion cast iron Motorcycle (Reproduction)
Schmalz Auctions
Hubley/Champion cast iron Motorcycle (Reproduction)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to alldone1 for (35.00 + 5.25BP) = 40.25
NIB Duck Dynasty bobble head ser (4)783 - NIB Duck Dynasty bobble head ser (4)
Schmalz Auctions
NIB Duck Dynasty bobble head ser (4)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to BigPeepee for (27.50 + 4.13BP) = 31.63
8 DC comics Sgt. Rock784 - 8 DC comics Sgt. Rock
Schmalz Auctions
8 DC comics Sgt. Rock
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Moskey for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
Framed 7-UP print, 16" X 12"785 - Framed 7-UP print, 16" X 12"
Schmalz Auctions
Framed 7-UP print, 16" X 12"
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to jrkearns for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
Framed Canada day print 16" X 12"786 - Framed Canada day print 16" X 12"
Schmalz Auctions
Framed Canada day print 16" X 12"
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to legge62 for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
3 brass bells787 - 3 brass bells
Schmalz Auctions
3 brass bells
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to kmgayrekfmn for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
3 assorted bells in bag788 - 3 assorted bells in bag
Schmalz Auctions
3 assorted bells in bag
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to donnpool for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
John Deere collectors knife (NIB)789 - John Deere collectors knife (NIB)
Schmalz Auctions
John Deere collectors knife (NIB)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to legge62 for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
Wood John Deere bulletin board 16" X 10"790 - Wood John Deere bulletin board 16" X 10"
Schmalz Auctions
Wood John Deere bulletin board 16" X 10"
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to komutsu for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
3 belt buckles791 - 3 belt buckles
Schmalz Auctions
3 belt buckles
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to manitoba for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
vintage Schylling wind up tin train with key - 13" long792 - vintage Schylling wind up tin train with key - 13" long
Schmalz Auctions
vintage Schylling wind up tin train with key - 13" long
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to RPHOBBIES52 for (20.00 + 3.00BP) = 23.00
NIB John Deere 1:64 scale cotton picker793 - NIB John Deere 1:64 scale cotton picker
Schmalz Auctions
NIB John Deere 1:64 scale cotton picker
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to PXY24 for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
6 wood carving scribes in bag794 - 6 wood carving scribes in bag
Schmalz Auctions
6 wood carving scribes in bag
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to donna.hrad.. for (30.00 + 4.50BP) = 34.50
4 wood working tools795 - 4 wood working tools
Schmalz Auctions
4 wood working tools
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to donna.hrad.. for (27.50 + 4.13BP) = 31.63
tin express cartage truck (Japan) 6" long796 - tin express cartage truck (Japan) 6" long
Schmalz Auctions
tin express cartage truck (Japan) 6" long
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to miomio for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
1972 1:24 scale Chevy short box pickup truck797 - 1972 1:24 scale Chevy short box pickup truck
Schmalz Auctions
1972 1:24 scale Chevy short box pickup truck
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Jess59 for (27.50 + 4.13BP) = 31.63
1966 1:24 scale chevy short box pick up798 - 1966 1:24 scale chevy short box pick up
Schmalz Auctions
1966 1:24 scale chevy short box pick up
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to PXY24 for (30.00 + 4.50BP) = 34.50
1957 1:24 scale IH chevy short box stepside pickup799 - 1957 1:24 scale IH chevy short box stepside pickup
Schmalz Auctions
1957 1:24 scale IH chevy short box stepside pickup
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to BigPeepee for (47.50 + 7.13BP) = 54.63
8 Archie/Jughead comic books800 - 8 Archie/Jughead comic books
Schmalz Auctions
8 Archie/Jughead comic books
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Kohlector for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75